Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Favorite Workouts!

I'm super excited for today's post! I love working out, its a way for me to relieve stress and frustration and feel really good inside and out. I'm getting chills talking about it! I know working out can be kind of a drag sometimes but if you change up your usual workout it gets you more motivated to take a visit to the gym. So today I'm going to share with you some at home and gym workouts that I love! Btw I don't workout to lose weight, I workout to lead a healthy lifestyle and build healthy muscles.
                                     I love this workout it gets your heart rate going and it boosts your metabolism

This next workout is from Nikki Phillipi! I love this girl she has really motivated me to eat healthy and stay active! She has a bunch more videos talking about eating healthy and getting fit so check her out!

  The muscle that I like to tone the most is my core! So that's why most of these workouts will focus on getting you that flat stomach you have always dreamed of!

This workout is from tone it up which is a great site to get healthy motivation from, also there is a tone it up nutrition plan which is super great if you have an extra 150 dollars laying around.Lol! But seriously if you really are for cereal about getting healthy it really is awesome!

I love this workout, when I can't make it to the gym this is the first at home workout I do.

My last workout is from Bree Bond who is a personal trainer in California.

Bree Bond workout!
Home circuit:
Repeat this circuit 5x with minimal resting! Time yourself :)
-25 jumping jacks
-15 burpees
25-tummy tucks
20- walking lunges
-1 minute high knees jump rope

I hope you enjoyed seeing my favorite workouts!
stay gorgeous


  1. I love work out videos, by focusing on copying somebody's moves I'm more motivated and tend to stick with it longer. Can't wait to try this out! Great post, as always!

  2. Totally agree! Glad you liked it :)

  3. Great workouts girl!! Thank you so much for sharing! BTW I'm hosting a fun giveaway on my blog! Feel free to check it out if you'd like! :)

  4. Going to try these out! :) xx

  5. Nice post. I'm so inspired right now! :D thanks for sharing

    I recently started my own beauty and fashion blog, kindly visit and leave a comment maybe :)
    have a nice day!

  6. Thanks so much for the sweet comment! I will check out your blog. :)

  7. I think I might start doing some of these, I need to get healthier!xox
