Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cider donut candle review

If you know me you know that I have a crazy obsession with Bath and Body works candles, especially in the fall time! Recently I was at Bath and body works and I picked up a few new candles! The one I'm obsessed with is "Cider donut" Let me just tell you this smells like everything wonderful in a candle! I'm pretty sure they sold this candle last fall, but I didn't really pay attention to it since all I cared about was the Leaves and Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin candle, But now I have truly met my candle boyfriend! This candle is so perfect for me, since I gravitate more toward sweeter candles. This candle smells AMAZING, but since I stink at describing scents I will tell you the description. "Indulge in the fragrance of a beloved baked treat with a blend of freshly picked apples, cake donut and a hint of cinnamon." So if you love sweet scented candles like me, you should definitely check this out next time you're in Bath and Body Works!

stay gorgeous


  1. I have the biggest obsession with candles as well, does the cider donut candle make you crave sweets?

    x karen

  2. Bath and Body Works candles are my favorite brand too, I always scoop up a bunch when they have the 2/$20 sale. Their fall line is always my favorite one to shop, I'll have to check out the cider donut scent.

  3. I sooo want to have this candle!
    I followed you on Bloglovin, follow me back maybe :D

  4. sounds amazing! too bad they dont have bath and body works here in australia

  5. Oh this sounds gorgeous!

  6. this is on my list to get. i had my first cider donut while apple picking this weekend and fell in love!

  7. I will have to visit Bath and Body soon and get a candle. I need one for my office, thank you for the recommendation :)

